Hidden Treasure may refer to any valuable item which is covered up. In the Bible, Jesus Christ spoke in parables about some of these hidden treasures. In this short article, the writer intends to talk about what voluntary work is about, why the youth should get involved in volunteerism, advantages and disadvantages of it. In short, volunteer as a noun refers to a person who offers services free of charge to people in need, community or organizations without pay. Volunteerism is the involvement of voluntary labour whilst volunteering is the act of offering a work or service for free. Voluntary work involves work that is done by the aid of volunteers. In the year 2014, I was offered Commonwealth Shared Scholarship to study in England, UK. During the application, I was shocked to find out that Voluntary Work was part of the scholarship requirements. I was asked to list all the voluntary work I'd done, with dates, organizations and specific work or activity. Then when I got the sch...