(Article By Sir Charles Freeman)

From Garden of Eden to the place later named as Babel meaning Confusion, "the whole earth spoke one language and of one speech until God divided human race using "Language." Genesis 11:1-9.

Language is one of the most important aspects of culture. When you lost it, you lost your culture. God knows why He used nothing, but Language to group people and put them in a defined geographical areas. 

Just look at the resources of Africa, compare to the resources of advanced/developed countries. What is it missing in all these, such that they call African countries "Developing Countries?" The answer may be the adoptation or change of Language; i.e. selling our birth right. Using our God-giving language is our natural right which should not be taken away.

Put all the Developed or rich countries together. Which one among them uses Foreign Languages as medium of instructions in their schools and as Official National Languages? The answer is none. Then put all Developing Countries together, particularly African Countries. Which one among them does not use Foreign Language as medium of instructions in their schools and as Official National Languages? The answer is Almost All of them.

If I'm wrong, correct me. After the day God, the Omnipotent and Omnipotent divided human race using language, our Mother Tongue (L1) has been the Medium of Instruction and Communication from birth for all children all over the world. Therefore, our parents and society assess the growth and maturity of each child based on how the child is able to hear and do what is required of him/her in his/her own language. The sensible idea behind this is that, you will be wrong to judge or assess a tortoise based on its ability to climb a tree or fly; knowing that God didn't create it with wings to fly. What or where am I  driving at? Please keep on reading.

China, UK, German, USA, and the rest of the rich or developed countries use their own God giving local language to assess the God giving potentials or talents of their citizens. Hence, the ability of their citizens does not depend on how they are able to read, write and speak foreign language(s). For example, if I can carry one bag of cement, and you use unfamiliar language to communicate to me to carry it, and I didn't carry the cement because I didn't get the instruction, it doesn't mean I can't carry the cement. The medium of the instruction has been the obstacle. Why should foreign language become impediment for me to exhibit my God giving talent? It doesn't make sense at all.

Again, correct me if I'm wrong. God gave each individual a talent and it will be unfortunate to use "Language" as hindrance to prevent the individual from doing what they can. If God wanted human race to speak one language, He could have maintained the original language used from Garden of Eden.

Those leaders who encourage us to patronise made in Ghana goods like food, clothings, etc, the same leaders have sacrificed our God giving Language for foreign ones in the expense of local language. Hence, today the ability to read, write and speak good English means intelligence and acquisition of knowledge regardless of what other things the student can do.

Why should passing English Language should be compulsory such that without it, the individual's education to higher level should be truncated? So the fact that the individual failed in English or Science or Maths, means he/she has nothing good to offer his/her family and country which in turn means God didn't give that individual anything? Many brilliant students are left behind or below the education ladder because they failed English Language. Failing English Language in school doesn't mean the student didn't study English. Do you know the number of students who have become armed-robbers because failure in English Language truncated their education and survival in life?

Does it make sense, if a student fails WASSCE English and for that matter, he/she is denied entry into the University to pursue course like Agricultural Science, Technical Studies, how to rear animals, how to do cleaning, etc? After all our graduates go to the whiteman's land and do cleaning. 

Secondly, isn't it crazy (forgive my word) when a student who failed WASSCE English, and rewrite and pass another WASSCE is denied the chance to use two WASSCE results for further studies, but when the same student has two results, one from WASSCE and other from Nov/Dec, then he/she can use them? To me, it is ridiculous. What sense does the latter makes than the former? In both cases, the question is who wrote the exams? Is it not the same student?

In conclusion, first, God sees language as important tool in human race and for that matter, from birth, families and societies assess the God giving potentials of individuals using the Mother Tongue and this should not change. Secondly,  Foreign Language should not be used as a yardstick to measure the individual's potentials. Thirdly, almost all rich or developed countries have maintained their first language that God gave to them for development and assessing the ability of their children. We should do same Furthermore, it doesn't make sense to use second language eg English as yardstick of acquisition of knowledge. Worst of all, using it to prevent the individual from exercising his/her God giving potentials. Lastly, as DOING the same thing all the time, results in getting the same result, we should have a second thought. Hence, it's high time Africa changed their mentality and English Language Policy in their institutions. Thank you.

Writer's details
Name: Sir Charles Freeman
Email: baducharles111@gmail.com
Phone Number: +233 (0)542566337


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  2. Good source of information

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